Thursday, July 1, 2010

Waiting for the other drop.

Whenever my cell phone clings with the ubiquitous cell phone ring tone and the hour is just a tad too early or a smidge too late my immediate though process is this: something must be wrong.Somewhere something must be wrong with someone I love, but what I have learned recently has taught me that difficulties can arrive by satellite during the normal course of the day as well. You can literally go from making plans for a vacation in one second to shaking those plans off of the etch-a-sketch of your life in the very next nanosecond. I reflect on the mutating influence of sudden misfortunes, obstacles, or tragedies. I have known and seen the devastating artistry of loss in the lives of friends and family. Life is surely short and not always sweet, but it seems to me that those who have suffered heart scarring events either fall apart and disintegrate being blown to and fro by the storms of life or they rise from the ashes like a phoenix. No matter what may come their way.

1 comment:

  1. very poetic.... I knew you were my favorite aunt for a reason :)
