Monday, November 15, 2010

"Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair" ~ Blake

I am desperately trying to discover a way of living this principle to the fullest without burning the bottom of the empty pot I call my self. Sometimes, the capacity to love and work for the well being of others leads us to move our own selves to the back burner to simmer. Easily forgotten, we go about the business of tending to the proper care of all the other pots until the smell of burning metal, now devoid of any liquid,shocks us to attention. Love is completely unselfish, yet loving one's self is a neccesary ingredient in the recipe for reaching out to and loving others. If we do not tend to the pot on the back burner, we will end up with a smoky kitchen and the blaring sound of the smoke alarm. That is the point I have arrived at and it is no small feat to rid the house of both the smell and the presence of smoke as well as getting the blasted smoke alarm to pipe down. Nor is it a simple task to scrub the charred pot clean before putting it to use again.

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